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Hypnobirthing Australia ™ Positive Birth Program


I absolutely loved them (the hypnosis and relaxation scripts) as did my partner! I found myself wanting to re do them as it was
such an incredible experience! It really educated both my partner and myself on our options and that birth doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience that just happens TO you!  It can be a magical, transformative experience you can actually enjoy!

I love that you get the resources after to continue your practice as well. I think it was incredible for my partner as it really defined his role in the birthing experience and gave him the tools to support me and prepped him on how best to handle hospital staff, ask questions and ensure we are getting the best care possible!

Learning the techniques made me feel extremely confident in my ability to birth my bub naturally and even made me beyond excited!

I will recommend this course to absolutely any mumma to be I can!

Jorden & Matthew



Prior to enrolling in this hypnobirthing course I felt extremely scared, uneasy and unsure about what to expect during child birth. I felt as though I was very unprepared and just felt as though every birth experience shared was always negative and relating to how bad the pain was. However, after completing the hypnobirthing course my outlook on childbirth has changed significantly. The course went into great detail about the positive aspects of child birth and how it can be a magical and empowering experience, rather than a traumatic one. My eyes were opened up to the rights we have during child birth and that we can trust our doctors and/or midwives, however, we can also ask questions to ensure our best interests are at stake. We were taught different tools and techniques that can be used to create a calm and safe birth environment and ways to support labour if it begins to slow down. We also learnt about different ways to help get bub into a good position for birth, which for me was super beneficial. Overall, the class was very informative and positive and I actually feel excited for birth now. I feel much more prepared and I have so many tools and resources to help support my positive birth experience. Another great aspect of the class was the information regarding to not becoming worked up if your birth plan doesn’t work out the way you had envisioned. We were provided with techniques and strategies to help us remain calm if intervention is required or if things take a different turn. I am extremely grateful that my friend referred me to this course and I am so pleased I enrolled. I can’t recommend hypnobirthing with Georgie at Tree of Life highly enough! If you wish to feel more calm and prepared for your birth than hypnobirthing is definitely the course for you!

Madison & Brock


Hypnobirthing couples leave inspired and excited for their birthing day!

The Hypnobirthing Australia ™ course is a method of preparing the mind and body for a positive and calm birth no matter how the birth unfolds.

This program provides the birthing woman and her partner the knowledge and tools to feel empowered and excited, not fearful and anxious about their birthing day.  You only get one chance to birth your baby with ease and comfort and with the right science-based and evidenced-based knowledge; you can use the techniques we teach to ensure a smoother passage for both mother and baby. 

The course also focuses on the partners in having a truly supportive role – they play such a big part in the preparations for their birthing day, feeling connected and an integral part of the process.

I’ve made a decision to focus on smaller classes.  This way, participants feel a sense of connection in a safe space to share insights and ask the questions they really need answers on.

I’m capping my classes at 4 couples…so best you book in early!

I especially find a great deal of enjoyment in holding private Hypnobirthing classes in the comfort of my client’s homes – this way we can create a very special bond and all of your questions can be answered.  I love to include a lot more anecdotes from my years of being a Doula and Childbirth Educator also – my wealth of experience will help in supporting you in your birth journey.

I can’t wait to share this work with you all and be your guide through such an important moment of your lives!

Create a loving bond through Hypnobirthing

The 4 part Positive Birth Program is for pregnant couples and explore the following topics:


Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing
How our brain is wired to birth
The role of our caregivers
Mind/body connection
What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
Our hormones are our friends
My amazing uterus – understanding the physiology behind birthing
Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
Causes of Fear (including history) and how it affects our labour
Re-programming the Subconscious
The language for empowered birthing
The power of affirmations
Birthing environment


Self-hypnosis tracks
Birth music
Conditioning with scent
Hypnotic anchors and triggers
Releasing endorphins through massage and touch
Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing
The importance of facial relaxation
Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life
Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!
Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
The ‘urge’ to push/bear down – Breathing/Bearing down


Bonding with baby
Choices in maternity care
Birth Preferences – having open communication with your caregivers
Knowledge is power – researching common interventions and procedures
Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions
Birth partner as advocate
‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy
Inductions – things you’re not always told
Achieving a natural start to labour
Maintaining a healthy diet
Preparing the body – staying active
Optimising baby’s position
Breech or Posterior – options & positions
Instant relaxation techniques
Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques & scripts


What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
Signs that labour is starting
What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc)
When to call the midwife/go to the hospital
Accidental home/car birth – what to do!
Birth partner’s role
Common procedures
Using water during labour and birth
Upright positioning, movement and birth positions
Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)
Fear release
Cord clamping & placenta delivery
Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time – skin to skin
What to expect afterwards
Self-hypnosis – Rehearsal for Birth
A practice routine – preparation for birth

And here's all the details:

Where: Cronulla

When: 2 x Saturdays 10am to 4.30pm

Next Course:

August 10th & 17th

** Please get in touch if you are due after August for dates **

How Much: $495

Places are limited to 4 couples. 

BOOKINGS CLOSE 2 weeks before start date unless booked out beforehand!

Sign me up!

What is included in the Positive Birth Program?

  • Two engaging Sundays full of practical techniques and tools shared with other like-minded parents-to-be
  • Online and downloadable resources to accompany the program
  • Kajabi App allows you to listen to the MP3s anytime or you can download them for off-line listening
  • The ‘Little Book of Hypnobirthing’ ebook – a summary of the hypnobirthing philosophy, mindset and techniques
  • Surge of the Sea MP3 – a guided relaxation and self-hypnosis track for childbirth
  • Rainbow Mist MP3 – a guided relaxation track including hypnobirthing breathing techniques, guided imagery, visualisation and subconscious prompting to condition your thoughts, release fears and build faith in your own ability to birth
  • Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing MP3
  • Printable worksheets – including partner cheat sheet, acupressure, breathing techniques and birth preferences template
  • Scripts for your birth partner to read (and/or record) – Bubble of Comfort, Rainbow Mist, Glove of Endorphins, ‘The Journey’ – an additional fear release
  • Extra practice videos – opening lotus flower visualisation, facial relaxation, Bubble of Comfort and the Birth Rehearsal
  • Comprehensive Extra Reading & Research list with links in order to make your own decisions about what is important to you 
  • Routine for Practice – up to 36 weeks and 36 weeks on in order to prepare for you calm, confident birth
  • Inspiring and empowering Birth Videos to show you the tools and techniques in action

We just finished our Hypnobirthing Positive Birthing course with the lovely, Georgie. Georgie was so supportive and accommodating, opening up her home to us and creating a beautiful serene space. 

Not only was the course absolutely incredible (& should be essential for all first time parents!), Georgie made us feel relaxed and reassured with her wealth of knowledge and experience.

Would highly recommend doing this course with Georgie or using any of the birthing services she has to offer. Thankyou Georgie, we cant wait to birth our baby! 

Bec & Matt


If you can't make it to a scheduled class,
we offer many ways for you to reap the benefits of a Positive birth!

Private Sessions in your own home or mine

You will receive the Positive Birth Program delivered in the comfort of your own home or mine with just you and your birth partner. This is the most flexible, intimate and private option. We can work together to find the perfect dates and times to suit.

Cost includes travel to your home within Sydney Metro area as well as all the course resources and your own private birth coach!

Investment $850

Online Course

It is recommended that you attend an in-person class, however if you are unable to make this work the online course is a fantastic option. You and your birth partner can watch the pre-recorded lessons in the comfort of your own home, in your own time. It is recommended you book a 90-minute Private Session Upgrade with me to compliment this.

Investment $199

Private Session 90 min upgrade $150

Private Session 3 hr upgrade $300

90 Minute or 3hr Private Session

An optional extra for anyone who has completed an in-person or online course. I’ll come to your home and tailor the session on areas you wish to discuss in further detail to help achieve your positive birth! It’s recommended that you book this option through me directly. 

Online Course + 90-Minute or 3 hour Private Session is a great way to get the best of both worlds!

Investment $150/$300

More information on the Positive Birth Program

The Hypnobirthing Australia ™ course is a method of preparing the mind and body for a positive and calm birth no matter how the birth unfolds. It gives the birthing woman and her partner the knowledge and tools to feel empowered and excited, not fearful and anxious about their birthing day.

You only get one chance to birth your baby with ease and comfort and with the right science-based and evidenced-based knowledge; you can use the techniques we teach to ensure a smoother passage for both mother and baby. The course also focuses on the partners in having a truly supportive role – they play such a big part in the preparations for their birthing day, feeling connected and an integral part of the process.

The Positive Birth Program is not all about ‘self-hypnosis’…in fact, it’s just one of the many tools that we utilise to prepare and experience a positive and empowered birth. And you won’t leave the training feeling like well that was great, we have learnt so much but what now? How do we put it all together? Each couple is given a voucher in order to download the tracks needed in addition to a folio of resources that includes all the main points, the scripts, the practical exercises and a routine to practice for up to 36 weeks and then another for the time you are about to meet your little one! Everything you need is in one place and is yours to keep!

As a Doula who has been supporting women and their partners over the span of the past 9 years (and over 90 births in addition to my own), I have seen what a difference the Hypnobirthing Australia TM course has made for those who have chosen to prepare for their birth in this way. The women are calm, focused and capable and many times, by the time we arrive at the birthing location if moving from home, they are ready to breathe their babies out. Many times they are so calm, many midwives don’t believe just how far along they are. I believe in this work so much…it encompasses everything you need for a truly POSITIVE BIRTH.

There is a quote by Barbara Katz Rothman that really sums up the reason I love this work so much - ‘Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.’ No better way to sign off really…I look forward to sharing in your journey x